Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Race Packet Pick-Up Info

For all of our Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon run and walk participants, the following is the Packet Pick-up and Late Registration Information:

Friday October 18 2013
11:00am to 8:00pm
Race Kit Pickup, Late Registration (if not sold out) at RUNNER'S EXPO: Hall D, Direct Energy Centre at Exhibition Place

Saturday October 19 2013
10:00am to 6:00pm
Race Kit Pickup, Late Registration (if not sold out) at RUNNER'S EXPO: Hall D, Direct Energy Centre at Exhibition Place

For more information on Packet Pick-up, please visit http://www.torontowaterfrontmarathon.com/en/pickup.htm.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

The Long Run - Counting Down to #STWM

Written by Ian Steele, certified personal trainer

With 6 weeks to go before the race, and 4 more long runs to do in training before the taper, your long run is getting to be quite long.

If this is your first half-marathon or marathon you are probably already running longer than you ever thought possible.  In the next 4 weeks your long run could be between 2 and 4 hours depending on your race distance and race goal.  That’s long!

You likely follow a running plan. There are lots of great ones -- whether it came from a magazine, Google search, running store or a personal coach, they are all very similar. The absolute key is the long run (especially for first time or novice endurance racers). It is the key to finishing the race well and getting to the start line injury free. If your long runs increase by around 10% each week, and there are recovery weeks built in, your plan is safe.

Here are a few tips to get you through it without going crazy or getting injured.